How my girlfriend visited hell and met satan - Kenyan artist reveals

- A Kenyan musician has revealed how his fiance went to hell
- Popular rapper Bamboo made the revelations on his social media
One of Kenya's most imminent rappers Bamboo has made a shocking revelation on social media.
                     Rapper Bamboo has made shocking revelations on social media.

Bamboo made the shocking revelation on his Facebook page on Friday, December 23.
The rapper said God had sent to him to Uganda where he met his fiancee an evangelist named Erika.

                                                       Bamboo with his fiance Erika.

Bamboo narrated how Ugandan musician Chameleon initiated Erika into devil worship.

"Chameleon of Uganda initiated her and took her to the source of the nile by force. He got into a boat with her and his assistant who was steering the boat,

"Chameleon then dropped two eggs into the water, recited an incantation and a whirlwind came with a fish big enough to fit 30 or so people came and opened its mouth,"Bamboo posted.
       Bamboo accused Ugandan singer Jose Chameleone of witchcraft and devil worship.

In his post Bamboo said a big fish swallowed Erika and sent her to hell where she met satan and experienced horrors unimaginable.

"When Erika entered the fish, she was so afraid that she fainted. When she came too, she found herself on a red carpet, before the throne of lucifer himself. She describes lucifer's kingdom as a blistering hot place," Bamboo said.

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