Sade Adu’s transgender son gets deeper voice (video)

- Sade Adu's daughter-turned-son Ila Adu now to be known as Izaak Theo has worked on his voice

Theo now has a thick voice like that of a man

- He starts his transformation move in 2016

Sade Adu’s transgender son gets deeper voice

Sade Adu's daughter who has now turned to a son Mickailia Adu has gone really deep in his transformation attempt.

Sade Adu’s transgender son Izaak Theo gets deeper voice

Mickaila now known as Izaak Theo shared a video of himself and a lady on his Instagram page speaking. And the first thing you will notice when he speaks is that his voice has been worked on and is now as deep as that of those born male.

 Sade Adu and Ila when he was a lady

Many of his followers on IG noticed his change in voice and commended it. When they pointed it out he replied them: "lol it keeps cracking!"

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